Dear Guest, welcome to b.square!


b.square is our matchmaking platform solution for professional meetings within B2B events, Film Festivals and more, originally born to coordinate onsite events with its dedicated automatic assignment of tables to 1:1 meetings.

With regards to the digitalisation of events lately, the platform has been adapted to manage also fully online events with the creation of virtual rooms that makes it possible the usage of any preferred video conferencing tool.

In order to meet our customers’ needs, the recent and innovative hybrid version of b.square is the result of a perfect combination between both online and on-site forms that guarantees the delivery of well-organised agendas to online or/and onsite participants with meeting links or/and table numbers accordingly.

For easing your work as organizers, the b.square matchmaking tool is based on an optimisation algorithm implementation of an operative research heuristics that schedules an unlimited number of appointments autonomously. Participants can update their profiles and insert the Project info in a curated graphic view, set their availabilities, send request, rate and accept the incoming and outgoing appointments.

The aim of such algorithm is to create and to deliver the best agenda possible by:

  • elaborating the accepted meetings among the total number of the appointment requests ;
  • considering the degree of importance attributed to participants and meeting requests;
  • criss-crossing the availability time of both interlocutors;
  • generating the highest number of meetings possible in a specific date and time of the main event;
  • managing the so-called Panels, namely any side events that can be included in the participants' agenda (e.g. Open Ceremony, Pitchings, Round tables, Jury meetings, private group of meetings);
  • sending a final e-mail to users with their final agenda.

The platform has been used in occasion of several important film festivals and events worldwide that can be found here:

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